What if:
We really began each day expecting to see God make His presence known ?
We actually believed the Bible is "God's Word?"
We were genuinely ready for His imminent return?
Christian. A name often used to derisively identify followers of Jesus, but mostly used by people to self-identify, "I'm a Christian."
Reality? Most people who identify themselves as Christains do not believe God works every day, the Bible is His Word or Jesus is coming, again. Yes, again. He's already been here once, which is why we celebrate Christmas.
It's simple. We walk in His power or our own. Ours is weak. His is strong. Simple.
Your life can be more exciting, more fulfilling and more impacting. It all depends on you. God is ready to fill your life with His wonder, celebrate life Heaven’s way.
As always, it's your choice. Choose wisely.
Peace, roy