Ingratitude is leprosy of the soul. The slow, inexorable corrosion of the heart, causing it to be incapable of feeling. Ingratitude is an impoverishing of your spirit. Ingratitude and arrogance are always inseparable.
It is quite easy for you to list those who have MORE than you do...more money, beautiful house, nicer clothes, expensive vehicles, gourmet food...forever.
Have you ever made a list of those who have LESS than you do?
Have you ever even thought of the people who have less than you do?
Have you ever asked yourself "How much is enough?" How much before you can finally say, "I have enough.?"
I urge you to do three things:
1. Be thankful for whatever you have, every day, of every year, for the rest of your life.
2. Find someone who has a need and help them. They are everywhere. Even in your own community. Do it today. Don't stop.
3. Refuse to be arrogant about what you do have. Refuse to judge others by wealth or resources.
View each person as a person of value, for whom Jesus died on the cross. Make a real difference. Start today.
Symbolic gestures are useless public displays of contemptuous pride. Do something real. Your actions reinforce your belief.
Be the light in your corner of the world.
As always, it's your choice. Choose wisely.
peace, roy