One of the most insidious illusions of humanity is our persistent pursuit of performance based faith. We have become experts in pointing to the failures, missteps, and violations of others, while poignantly, and intentionally, avoiding our own. We are precise accountants in our bitter recollection of others feeble attempts to live according to our rules, regulations and rituals.
Paul, in his writings to the Romans (Romans 7.7-20) declares the law exposes and illuminate our sin. All of our sins. As in, each and every one of us. We are all sinners. The law strips away our pretensions and blind conceit, our pious self-righteousness. The law boldly states in startlingly clear words, we are sinners.
Yet, the law, while exposing our sin, is powerless to redeem us and forgive our sin. The law identifies what righteousness is supposed to look like, but cannot birth it. The law is filled with information about our sin, but is impotent in any attempt to initiate transformation.
Only grace can transform. Only grace can redeem you. Only grace can write across our debt of sin “It is finished” with finality.
“...You...God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2.13-15
Here’s a quote that both stings and sings from the brilliant mind and poetic pen of the late Robert Farrar Capon. It stings because it confronts our natural instinct to keep score. It sings because it reminds us that God has forever settled the score against us.
The human race is positively addicted to keeping records and remembering scores. What we call our “life” is, for the most part, simply the juggling of accounts in our heads. And yet, if God has announced anything in Jesus, it is that He, for one, has pensioned off the bookkeeping department permanently…
It may be our sacred conviction that the only way to keep God to be ready, at every moment, to have the books we have kept on ourselves and others audited. But that is not God’s conviction because he has taken away the handwriting that was against us.” ~ Kingdom, Grace, Judgment: Paradox, Outrage, and Vindication in the Parables of Jesus
It is finished. Close the books, put up the pencil. Enjoy grace in all Jesus Christ.
As always, it’s your choice. Choose wisely.
peace, roy