Our Mission

The desire of e:three is to be a Gospel-centered student ministry.
The three "e's" stand for:
"Where we ENGAGE with God’s Word to be EQUIPPED by God’s Word so that we can ENDURE because of God’s Word"
We desire to be Gospel-centered in everything that we do. During our main Wednesday night worship services, we usually start our nights with some awesome fun and fellowship; then we transition into our music set. Following our music, there is a Gospel-centered expository sermon preached to our students, which is followed-up by a small-group discussion.
Why preach to students?
Because we believe that the Gospel is what transforms the heart of a person.
Our Sunday morning small group meeting gives an opportunity to gather together and discuss the difficult topics that we encounter daily. We seek to foster an environment that lets our students speak openly and think deeply as we seek answers through Gospel-centered thinking.
If you want to know more about how you or your student can get involved with e:three, contact the church office at (870)887-5031.
Meeting Times & Locations
Wednesday Night - 6:00-8:00
The Katie Center
Sunday Morning - 9:45-10:30
Room S201